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  • Writer's picturePuneet Chandel

Dementia-Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

If you need to find a doctor or hospital for treating dementia, do an online search on dementia treatment near me. It will help you in finding the best clinics and doctors for dementia in your area. Dementia is a medical problem that affects mental function. If you have this problem, you may have difficulties in carrying out routine work and doing daily activities. Elderly people who are more than 85 years of age are usually seen suffering from dementia. The condition might impact memory and thinking. It may also affect reasoning and personality. Let’s look at some key points about dementia. 

dementia treatment

Causes Of Dementia

Dementia occurs when nerve cells get damaged. Our nervous system includes the brain, spine, and nerves. Any damage occurring in the nerve cells causes dementia. The nerve cells located inside the brain have a connection with each other. If the connection between these cells is lost, it results in dementia. Sometimes, the brain gets damaged by injury or accident and it may cause this problem. Poor blood circulation in the brain is one of the reasons for the lack of oxygen and nutrients in it, and it leads to dementia.

Some diseases and medical conditions are the leading causes of dementia in a person. It includes Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Hypertension and stroke may cause vascular dementia. Many types of infections and head injuries are responsible for causing dementia. Some people inherit dementia from their family. There are other reasons for dementia.    

Symptoms Of Dementia

If you notice you or anyone in your family forgetting things like an event or any other thing, it may be a sign of dementia. In case the person repeats what others say or question, it is also a warning sign. If you start forgetting where your daily items are kept or place your things in the wrong places, be aware of something unusual. For example, you may forget where you have kept your purse or wallet. You may forget to cook your food. Another situation is that you may not remember your appointments.

Forgetting the date and season is another symptom of dementia. Some people don't remember to pay their bills on time or the due date. There are many cases where the patient wanders out of their usual area or neighborhood. All these are signs of memory loss or cognitive impairment. Contact a doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms in yourself or a loved one. Timely diagnosis and treatment are important to deal with dementia.  

Treatment Of Dementia

It is not possible to cure dementia in most cases. However, medical treatment may be able to help you manage the symptoms and problems due to dementia. You need to consult a doctor if you have been exhibiting any signs of the condition. Visit a nearby clinic or hospital and discuss your problem with a doctor. Your doctor may do some tests to diagnose the condition and find what exactly is causing the issue. They may start the treatment if it is confirmed that you have dementia. Many types of medicines are available for the problem. Take medicines as prescribed by your doctor.

Consult a doctor for the treatment of dementia. If you live in Delhi, find the best dementia treatment doctor in Delhi and seek their help. Some therapies are a part of dementia treatment. It includes occupational therapy that involves making changes in the living environment to make it a safe place. This is necessary to avoid accidents and falls. Also, you must remove unwanted items and clutter from your home. Family members of the patient should be careful and they should not keep knives or sharp and dangerous items near the patient. Don’t keep the keys of cars or vehicles in a nearby area. An occupational therapist may also help you learn some coping strategies. 

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